Friday, February 13, 2009

CIC Blog 1

Hello and welcome to the first edition of the Community Issues blog of Westside Baptist Church.  I'm Frank Ahern, chairman of the committee, and I'm delighted that you have taken the time to check it out and I hope you'll come back often for future updates.


Since this is the beginning point, I'd like to take a minute to explain our purpose and mission. The committee was formed last fall to help focus the church's response to a couple of issues – the Gainesville Gender Identity Ordinance petition drive and the Yes to Marriage Amendment to the Florida constitution.

Both were successful,  but Pastor Gary and the committee realize that the assaults on family, sanctity of life and other core Christian values will continue from a culture that is hostile to God's biblically revealed truth.


Our purpose now is to provide a place where you can be informed and encouraged as you try to stand up for what you believe, at a time when our nation is drifting farther and farther away from its Christian heritage.


The top thing on our agenda right now is the vote on the Gainesville Gender Identity Ordinance. The amendment to the city charter that will repeal the ordinance, and prevent any similar laws in the future, will be on the ballot in Gainesville on March 24.  


If you are a resident of Gainesville, it is critical that you vote.

If there is any reason to think you won't be available that day, please get an absentee ballot. The request forms are available at the website of the Citizens for Good Public Policy: and at the church office. Read the Frequently Asked Questions section of the CGPP website for a good summary of the issues from a public safety perspective. 


When Christians oppose the "gay rights" agenda they are often accused of hating homosexuals. What we are really doing is believing the Bible and being obedient to the command of Jesus:


Matt 5: 13-15   "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.  14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house."


Here's a quote from Christian counselor Joe Dallas:


"The Church's role in society as Salt and Light requires that we both love and resist the homosexual activist community. We're called to love them by showing respect to them even as we disagree; by refusing to resort to name calling or aspersions when we refer to them; by co-existing with them peacefully whenever possible; and by sharing the gospel with them at every opportunity. But our call to love them does not negate our responsibility to oppose their goal of legitimizing homosexuality, and their tendency to silence all voices of those who disagree. Herein we have the challenge to exhibit grace and truth—the challenge to be truly Christ-like in our response to gay militancy."


And another from Mike Goeke, of Exodus International - , a ministry focused on helping people leave the homosexual lifestyle.


"If we, as Christians, truly believe that Jesus Christ can change a life, then the ultimate form of love we can show is to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone in need of salvation, healing, or change. Hate speech is speech designed to hurt. God's Word is truth designed to heal. There is nothing hateful about that!"


Westside is one of several local churches that have partnered with Forgiven and Free Ministries - - which reaches out to those struggling with same-sex attraction by offering counseling and local support groups.  Share this with anyone you know that is dealing with this issue.


At the state level, the Florida Family Assocation - - is an organization that fights pornography and those who support it by advertising.  They also advocate for Christian candidates for office. Right now they are seeking your help in petitioning Governor Crist to appoint  C. Ted Lawson to the Florida Supreme Court.

Click on the Active Issues link on their website to find out how to send your petition to the Governor.


On the national scene, a good overview of the issues can be obtained from Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist's Ethics and Religious Liberty commission, found at:   As you have undoubtedly seen, things are changing quickly in Washington, and many of the changes are not in line with Christian values. Dr. Land has been a government watchdog for the past 20 years and provides a valuable service.


These are, of course, just a few of the organizations and ministries that are out there on the front lines, defending Christian values. Let me know of others you have found that are worthy of our support and I'll try to pass them on in future posts on this site.


Thanks for your time and attention.


Proverbs 14:34  "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."