Please be praying for the arrested men, and the Liberty Counsel lawyers to stand strong and hold the line against the ACLU in upcoming court hearings.
In just two generations, we have gone from a country where the Bible was used as a textbook, to being told that even silent prayers in school are against the law. If that doesn't provoke a sense of outrage, I don't know what will.
Students of history know that both the Nazi's and the Communists placed special emphasis on publicly-funded, state-controlled public schools. They knew that controlling the minds of the younger generation is the key in taking over society. This is why the Bible places the responsibility for education in the hands of parents, not the government.
Students of history know that both the Nazi's and the Communists placed special emphasis on publicly-funded, state-controlled public schools. They knew that controlling the minds of the younger generation is the key in taking over society. This is why the Bible places the responsibility for education in the hands of parents, not the government.
The secular humanists that control our school system are determined to remove all traces of religious expression from our schools. How long will we stand by silently and watch?