Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Support the Haiti missionaries

Any tragedy seems to bring out the best and worst in people. The Haiti earthquake is no exception. There has been a great outpouring of aid - food, medicine and money - over the past weeks. Rescuing children from dire circumstances has been a priority for many. I'm sure you are aware of the 10 Baptist missionaries who were arrested for trying to take a group of Haitian children into the Dominican Republic. I have no doubt that this was done with the best of intentions. I also do not debate the right of Haiti to control the removal of children from their country. It's time for our government to support the missionaries, and resolve this without further punishment, so the focus can return to helping the children. 
Please email your congressman and Senators and ask them to push for a resolution. The easiest way is to work through the Ethics and Religious Liberty commission website set up for this purpose -