What are the facts?
1. America was founded by people who were predominantly Christian and almost without exception believed in God.
2. Early charters and state constitutions exclusively recognize Christianity as the predominant religion in place at the time they were written.
3. The basic underlying principle of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is that man is subject to laws that come from our Creator God and cannot be taken away by government.
4. The First Amendment was not intended by the Founders to prohibit the public practice or display of religion, but to prevent Congress from imposing a religion on the states.
5. Education was viewed as having a strong foundation in religious values. The Bible was used in many areas as a textbook and early primers mentioned God and used Biblical examples. Most of our leading private universities were founded as seminaries or had strong ties to Christian denominations.
6. An extensively researched opinion of the US Supreme Court reached the conclusion in 1892 that "America is a Christian nation". Many Presidents and Supreme Court judges have made the same statement publicly over the years.
Why does it matter?
1. The guiding principles that have enabled America to become the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world are being eroded by those who claim that we are wiser today than those who founded our country. They are now attempting to re-write history to cover their tracks as they dismantle our foundations. Unless we know the facts we will not be able to stand against them.
2. Our children are not being taught in school about the religious beliefs and values of those who started America. If they don't hear it from us, they won't hear it and in one generation our Christian History will be lost.