Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Get Involved?

Westside Baptist Church

Community Issues Newsletter

Summer 2009



Why get involved?


This is the first newsletter from the Westside Baptist Community Issues committee. Future editions will highlight and focus on specific issues, which you can impact with your involvement. We want to begin, however, by answering the question that many Christians ask first – Why get involved?


Jesus expects it  - His example is clear throughout the Gospels. Jesus engaged the culture of His day, including the religious and political leaders, at every opportunity. He also preached about compassion for our "neighbors" in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), and concern for the physical needs of others in the parable of the sheep and goats (Matt 25: 31-46). As Christians, striving to follow Christ's example, we should be moved toward involvement by compassion for the lost and hurting, and outrage when our laws and our leaders deny and contradict the truth of God's word.


Our children's future is at stakeAnyone with children and/or grandchildren has to be alarmed at the direction in which our society is headed. Unless Christians make their voice heard, and their votes count, the next generation will live in a society that is not just post-Christian, but anti-Christian. Last springs Gainesville city election is an example. 73% of registered voters stayed home and allowed a coalition of gay student groups and hired gay activists to defeat the amendment to overturn the Gender Identity ordinance, exposing our children to the threat of sexual predators using the law as cover for lurking in public restrooms. When Christians unite and stand up, as they did in the "Yes 2 Marriage" amendment vote last fall, traditional biblical values are preserved. Our public school system is another area where the prevailing attitude is hostile to Christian belief and expression. As Christian parents we must get involved or risk losing the hearts and minds of our children to a humanist education system.


God ordained governmentWhen Jesus told us to "render to Caesar that which is Caesar's"(Mark 12:13-17) it goes beyond paying taxes. In a democratic society each of us is Caesar. We enjoy the benefits of government laws and services. We are also obligated to ensure that government works well and that its laws are not contrary to God's law. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 provides the rationale for God's interest in good government. Only in an atmosphere of order and peace can the gospel spread. God's primary desire is that all people have the chance to repent and be saved. Our Christian obligation to government in a democratic republic is to participate with our vote and our voice.


I'll close with one issue that requires immediate attention. The Federal Hate Crime Bill is another expression of the homosexual legislative agenda being pushed by the current administration that seeks to criminalize thought, and will have the effect of making anyone who speaks against homosexuality, e.g., your pastor, a criminal.  This has already happened in other countries with similar laws. A Senate vote (S.909) is expected soon. If it passes it will be signed by the President. For more information and ways to contact our Senators, visit the Family Research Council's website –

                                                               In His Service – Frank Ahern, CIC chairman


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