Monday, September 14, 2009

Coming events

I'm convinced that one of the greatest challenges of our generation is focusing on what's important in an environment where distractions are everywhere. I've just learned that one of the most important events of the year at Westside - Gary DeMar's Worldview conference - is in conflict with (gasp) a Gator game!   That's right, the conference begins at 6pm Saturday, Sept.26. The Gators game with Kentucky has been re-scheduled by ESPN for telecast at the same time. Talk about conflicting worldviews - here's your first test. I know you know the right answer. Grab the game on your DVR, or VCR and come hear one of the country's most influential authors talk about how Christians can influence our increasingly hostile culture for Christ. Tim Tebow would be the first to tell you that there are more important things than football. This is one of them.
That same day is the Eric Yerman 5K Walk/Run at Westside Park, starting at 8am (fortunately). Proceeds benefit the effort to build a Baptist Children's home here in Gainesville - a worth cause and a good time. Registration is $20 and can be done in the lobby on Sunday or the day of the run at 7am. Plan to be there.
Finally, I'd like to offer some food for thought on the local political scene. Gainesville city elections are coming again this spring. Last spring we saw the effort to remove the Gender Identity ordinance fail. One of the prime supporters of that ordinance - Craig Lowe - is now running for mayor. If you are one who is concerned about the direction of our city, county, state and nation; it's time to start encouraging and supporting Christian candidates for public office. It may even be time to consider running yourself. The qualifying deadline in Gainesville is Jan. 29, 2010. 
Remember the words of Edmund Burke - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."  
Those words have never been more true than they are today.
God Bless

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