Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mocking God

The Sunday School lesson this week on the story of David and Goliath got me thinking about parallels with todays culture. 
Just as Goliath mocked the Israelite army and their God, the "Goliaths" of our culture mock God today:

Our schools teach children that evolution created them, not God, mocking his role as Creator and Sustainer of life.

Our courts mock the institution He created and blessed - marriage - by ruling that those who practice the sin of homosexuality, which He called an abomination, can also be married.

Those same courts mock God by insisting that women have the right to choose whether or not their unborn child should live, usurping His role as the giver of life and mocking the sanctity of life.

The mainstream media mock God by portraying his followers as narrow-minded and intolerant for insisting that there is a standard of truth found in the Bible.

Our politicians mock God when they refuse to remain faithful to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, which were written by men who understood that God is sovereign not government.

The list could go on for a while. The difference is that while David felt outrage that Goliath would mock God, we throw up our hands and say "that's just the way things are".

In God's eyes that may be the worst insult of all.

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